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Did you receive an OFCOM email today re Radio EMFs ?

Are they going over the top with this?

  • Funnily my father started as sparks on ships. way back in the middle of the last century, and has tales of measuring the 'meter -amp' product of an antenna to confirm power going out for some inspection or other.

    On MF  and the longer HF bands everything is electrically short so really it needs a lot of volts to get a decent current into any open circuit structure,  almost regardless of shape so yes if you were under an open line, you may well have exceeded the modern  H and S limits - did you ever feel particularly hot? Ankles in particular are a 'pinch point' for whole body currents, so aches there tend to be an early warning of high exposure.

    There is a test cell for calibrating E field meters that is essentially an open line transmission line of known dimensions in a metal box (here is an example) I suspect your radio room would have accidentally made  a similar structure. Dividing line volts by the floor to ceiling distance in metres  would be a good order of magnitude estimate for the field  experienced sitting under the line.

  • Funnily my father started as sparks on ships. way back in the middle of the last century, and has tales of measuring the 'meter -amp' product of an antenna to confirm power going out for some inspection or other.

    On MF  and the longer HF bands everything is electrically short so really it needs a lot of volts to get a decent current into any open circuit structure,  almost regardless of shape so yes if you were under an open line, you may well have exceeded the modern  H and S limits - did you ever feel particularly hot? Ankles in particular are a 'pinch point' for whole body currents, so aches there tend to be an early warning of high exposure.

    There is a test cell for calibrating E field meters that is essentially an open line transmission line of known dimensions in a metal box (here is an example) I suspect your radio room would have accidentally made  a similar structure. Dividing line volts by the floor to ceiling distance in metres  would be a good order of magnitude estimate for the field  experienced sitting under the line.

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