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Times they is Worryin

Millions warned of power cuts this winter | News | The Times


  • IME it is the daily express that favours alarmist reports about extreme weather. "killer storms on the way" "worst winter in 100 years expected" and the like.

    The daily mail by contrast seems to prefer reports that either anti migrant, or anti EU, both sometimes. "new migrant tide on the way" or "EU mandarins threaten the British pint"  or "French ban fresh milk"

  • IME it is the daily express that favours alarmist reports about extreme weather. "killer storms on the way" "worst winter in 100 years expected" and the like.

    The daily mail by contrast seems to prefer reports that either anti migrant, or anti EU, both sometimes. "new migrant tide on the way" or "EU mandarins threaten the British pint"  or "French ban fresh milk"

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