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Power Cuts. Is it the end of the world?

Dad is it the end of the world coming? It is like a story by Sir Arthur Conan Boil,

Europe energy crisis: Spain tells workers not to wear ties to cool off | Daily Mail Online


  • No, the end of the world is not coming. Yet (*). However it does rather highlight the degree to which all the eggs are in one basket, in this case a basket with its handle in the Kremlin.

    It is unfortunate that at the time we had vast amounts of gas in the North Sea and did not have to import the stuff, we were far too efficient at getting it out,  and sold most of it at what now looks like a bargain price. For politico idealogical reasons the vast amount of money it made us was spent as we transitioned from a manufacturing to a service economy, a decision we may well come to regret.

    I for one seriously consider that we may well  over winter without the gas fired central heating that has been so cosy since the mid 1970s.


    (* of course one well placed explosion on the NATO side of the line would change that.)

  • No, the end of the world is not coming. Yet (*). However it does rather highlight the degree to which all the eggs are in one basket, in this case a basket with its handle in the Kremlin.

    It is unfortunate that at the time we had vast amounts of gas in the North Sea and did not have to import the stuff, we were far too efficient at getting it out,  and sold most of it at what now looks like a bargain price. For politico idealogical reasons the vast amount of money it made us was spent as we transitioned from a manufacturing to a service economy, a decision we may well come to regret.

    I for one seriously consider that we may well  over winter without the gas fired central heating that has been so cosy since the mid 1970s.


    (* of course one well placed explosion on the NATO side of the line would change that.)

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