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Power Cuts. Is it the end of the world?

Dad is it the end of the world coming? It is like a story by Sir Arthur Conan Boil,

Europe energy crisis: Spain tells workers not to wear ties to cool off | Daily Mail Online


  • No, power cuts are not the end of the world. 

    If we get power cuts on any significant scale I do however have significant concerns about the effect on wider society. It is now about 50 years since we last had significant power cuts on a planned or rota basis. 

    A large part of todays population are simply unable to understand that a power cut means no mains electricity for anyone in the affected area for the relevant time. There seems to be a widely held and erroneous view that exemptions will be made for those with special needs.

    Even some companies seem to be believe that rota power cuts will not apply to THEM. A lot of people will be in for a surprise. 

    I have even met people who believe that some appliances would "have" to be left on for safety reasons "they would have to leave the heater on in babies room"  

    Society is far more reliant on electricity than was the case in the 1970s. I recall many major stores remaining open during the 1970s power cuts. These days most would presumably close.

    Rioting and looting are in my view probable in some areas.

    So not the end of the world, but potentially serious. 

  • Yep back in the winter of discontent power cuts were part of life

  • But we don't use paraffin heaters  any more, and the local paraffin man's tanker has long gone. 


  • But we don't use paraffin heaters  any more, and the local paraffin man's tanker has long gone.

    As a small boy, I was fascinated by the dispensing apparatus on the side of the paraffin tanker. Now I feel very old!

    I could happily survive with a coal fire, but Mrs P who comes from hotter climes expects to be able to be cozy and warm whilst lightly dressed in a 100+ year old house all winter. Fetching and carrying the coal is just too much like hard work.

    The only real solution is, of course, better insulation. You can stuff that in your loft or wear it according to choice.

  • But we don't use paraffin heaters  any more, and the local paraffin man's tanker has long gone.

    As a small boy, I was fascinated by the dispensing apparatus on the side of the paraffin tanker. Now I feel very old!

    I could happily survive with a coal fire, but Mrs P who comes from hotter climes expects to be able to be cozy and warm whilst lightly dressed in a 100+ year old house all winter. Fetching and carrying the coal is just too much like hard work.

    The only real solution is, of course, better insulation. You can stuff that in your loft or wear it according to choice.

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