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Power Cuts. Is it the end of the world?

Dad is it the end of the world coming? It is like a story by Sir Arthur Conan Boil,

Europe energy crisis: Spain tells workers not to wear ties to cool off | Daily Mail Online


  • Russia has just cut off natural gas supplies to Latvia. Not of any DIRECT relevance to UK electricity supplies, but arguably of indirect relevance, as it will tend to increase prices of gas and increases the risk of physical shortages.

    With about half of UK electricity coming from natural gas, and with very limited storage, we are very vulnerable to gas supply problems.

  • Russia has just cut off natural gas supplies to Latvia. Not of any DIRECT relevance to UK electricity supplies, but arguably of indirect relevance, as it will tend to increase prices of gas and increases the risk of physical shortages.

    With about half of UK electricity coming from natural gas, and with very limited storage, we are very vulnerable to gas supply problems.

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