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Adaptation to Climate and Population Change

Many pieces have been written on here by myself and others regarding climate change, how rapid it is and what is the cause. In a way this is immaterial, the climate is changing, has changed and will continue to change and we will have to deal with it. The world population will also continue to increase for the foreseeable future, we will also have to deal with that.

I have recently read Carl Sagen’s Cosmos from around 1980 and Bjørn Lomberg’s The Skeptical Environmentalist from around 2000.

Cosmos was written at the end of the global cooling period in the 1970s and the major concerns were pollution and nuclear war. Global warming wasn’t an issue then.

The Skeptical Environmentalist tries to look at all the numbers behind the various ‘scares’ of the time, pollution, food shortages, lack of water and disease. The very well refenced text shows that overall things are improving, life expectancy is increasing and there is more food available in spite of the population increase. Global warming is discussed with the comment that all the scenarios are based on the worst case predictions, equivalent to today’s RPC8.5. It also notes that the IPCC and other environmental bodies stopped carrying out value analysis and just demand change regardless of cost.

Where do we stand today after another 20 years? I will take this to be before the Ukrainian invasion as this has created a lot of changes that need to be separately discussed.

As I see it very little has changed. A huge amount of hot air has been spoken (maybe the cause of the temperature increase) lots of expensive global conferences have taken place for the not so god and not so great. Nothing concrete has changed. There are no real engineered solutions on offer. There are various ‘renewable’ energy sources, wind, solar PV and biomass which are currently unable to function without subsidies (maybe the currently increasing energy prices will allow self-sufficiency??) The intermittent sources also rely on existing thermal or hydro power generation when they are unable to supply which is a further subsidy.

What should we do, what can we do? As has been suggested on here before a good start point would be to build some more nuclear power plants using more modern designs with good load following rather than the older Pu factories, reinforce the electricity distribution system and improve the insulation of existing buildings. I agree with Insulate Britain’s concept but not with their implementation. Loft insulation is one of the simplest improvements with a good payback (maybe less than one year in the current situation). Why did Insulate Britain simply cause disruption rather than looking for the roadblocks (information, regulations, lack of trained installers etc.) and clearing them?

The governments seem to jump from one idea to the next with no real thought or planning. Diesel is Good, Diesel is Bad, Subsidise Renewables, Don’t Subsidise Renewables, Fit Heat Pumps, etc.

As a side thought would it be a better use of resources to insulate my house to reduce the heat loss to 1/3 and use direct electric heating than to just install a heat pump with an average COP of 3? Please discuss.

Is there a population limit? According to the data in the Skeptical Environmentalist as developing countries develop and become more wealthy the birth rate drops, maybe we reach 10 Billion people as a maximum. Can we deal with this? Just burning more finite resources is probably not the solution. Thanos’s solution is probably also not acceptable.

Lots of questions and lots of engineering opportunities to be taken up but I don’t see any real work being done. The IET posts various politically correct position statements but doesn’t seem to do any actual engineering. Questions that they should be answering are ones like:

            If we migrate 50% of our transport to EVs how much new power generation is required?

            If we migrate 50% of our domestic heating to electricity, either directly or through heat pumps, how much new power generation is required?

            How much of that power is simultaneously required? Will people charge their vehicles and heat their houses at the same time?

            How can we reinforce the local electrical distribution system without digging up every street? (Maybe feed the existing cables from both ends??)

Do you have any other realistic engineering solutions?

  • Brake Fluid and Coolant Change.

    Regenerative braking is all very well, but what form of braking is used when stationary (e.g. at the lights); or when stopping in an emergency? Fly by wire? Rods or cables?

  • All EVs that I am aware of also have conventional braking systems as well as regeneration. Conventional brakes are required for several scenarios:

    - Emergency stops. Conventional discs can absorb more energy in the short term than most drive systems.

    - Parking.

    - In case of failure of the drive system.

    - When the battery is fully charged.

    The last point brings up an alternative version of my mountain problem. I am staying in a mountain hotel. I have a long drive home so I want my battery to be fully charged at the hotel. As I decend the mountain my battery is full and cannot absorb the regenerative energy which then has to be lost via a resistance bank (you don't go down mountains using just the conventional brakes, they rapidly overheat). How can In determine how much to charge my battery to make use of energy recovery when decending the mountain?

    The original problem is that I am staying in a mountain hotel in winter with my diesel car. As I decend the mountain I am not burning any fuel so the engine and hence the car are just heated by the frictional and pumping losses. How do I stop it from icing up again?

  • To take this more in the direction of the original post an interesting piece on Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act by Judith Curry. He has managed to get a significant piece of environmental legislation passed by not beating on about apocalyptic climate change.

       - Post-apocalyptic climate politics have a much better chance of succeeding than fear-driven apocalyptic climate politics

       - Energy policy should be detached from climate policy to make a robust transition to a 21st century energy system that emphasizes       abundant, cheap, reliable and secure power with minimal impact on the environment (including land use).


    The last major attempt at environmental legislation in Switzerland failed at the referendum because it went too far. The activists tend to behave like spoilt teenagers and’ they want it all and they want it now’. If they had produced a more pragmatic piece of legislation it would have been passed and then in a couple of years when people had got used to that they could have added another step and would achieve most of their objectives. What will probably happen is that the environmental activists will try the same or stronger legislation in a couple of years and once again get nothing.

    How do we decide what is sensible and reasonable to  do with a good return on energy and resources invested? It sounds like an engineering problem, where is the IET involvement?

  • Unsure in terms of topology, but it acts like an auto. So shifts into park and the parking brake is applied. 

  • I mean depending on the EV the easy solution there is to never charge to your software limited 100%. Set it to 90, allowing for that regen buffer. 

  • Now that's exactly where I wanted this to go. Where is the IET involvement. As far as I'm aware there's been no declaration of a climate emergency. 

    I can't imagine the IET is going to state there isn't one, but adding their collective voice to the masses of other nations and countries who have already done so would be a major step forward. 

  • As I decend the mountain my battery is full and cannot absorb the regenerative energy which then has to be lost via a resistance bank (you don't go down mountains using just the conventional brakes, they rapidly overheat).

    Ah yes, but it is cold up mountains so your heater will be on full blast.

    Seriously, I have come across people who insist that they have an EV because they have poorly legs and there is only one pedal.

    I don't like to be on the same stretch of road as such people.

  • You mean one pedal driving right? 

    There's nothing to be worried about in that sense because depending on the EV, the regen is pretty strong. I mean I can slow ours down to 5mph (which is the regen limit before it cuts off) using only the accelerator pedal. 

    You still have the option of the footbrake if required (which 90% of the time it isn't), and with the collision mitigation braking tech in most vehicles now that further serves to reinforce the safety aspect.

  • I think that the IET has not declared a climate emergency because there isn’t one. There is an environmental and resource problem that must be addressed in a logical and planned way to avoid further waste of resources. A more holistic view must be taken of what we think is ‘sustainable’. Is adding bio ethanol to petrol really a valid action? Is transporting woodchip from the USA to Drax really helping the environment? I am not saying we should do nothing, but rather we should do the best things that we can.

    I would strongly recommend you read the piece by Judith Curry, who is a recognised climate scientist as well as the more technical parts of IPCC AR6 WG1, rather than just the political summaries, and make up your own mind.

  • Will do, thanks :)