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Ventilation Requirements - Post Covid 19


Guidance during Covid 19 was for all AHU's to introduce 100% fresh air (no recirculation) and the opening of windows. Is anyone aware of any changes to this guidance, especially in view of the current energy costs

  • No, but the answer is complex. There is as far as I can find ANY data on the transmission method of Covid19, although there have been experiments with a couple of viruses. It was assumed to be airborne, but then they introduced hand washing, disinfection etc, but then obviously ineffective masks, and then they wanted as many air changes as possible which surely introduces a higher chance of infection!

    You may like to look here which is interesting, whether it is correct or not is still open to debate, although some quite respected Doctors are involved.

  • It took longer than it should, but eventually was accepted as airborne. The UK technical report has just been released which admits that:-

    Handwashing and disinfection routines are good for lots of things (Florence Nightingale knew that) but won't stop you getting covid.

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