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Ventilation Requirements - Post Covid 19


Guidance during Covid 19 was for all AHU's to introduce 100% fresh air (no recirculation) and the opening of windows. Is anyone aware of any changes to this guidance, especially in view of the current energy costs

  • I got covid in June on the very first week that we abandoned social distancing at work. The very generous colleague who gave me the virus was not yet symptomatic (and had few symptoms at any stage). I was sitting next to him at a similar distance to let's say a football stadium. The odd thing was that another colleague who sat on the other side of him was unaffected. The only possible difference was that I was in the corner of the room, which has no windows and my colleague was by the door.

    I doubt that ventilation was the difference, but more likely that my colleague has some form of natural immunity.

    I might add that all three of us were fully vaccinated.

  • I got covid in June on the very first week that we abandoned social distancing at work. The very generous colleague who gave me the virus was not yet symptomatic (and had few symptoms at any stage). I was sitting next to him at a similar distance to let's say a football stadium. The odd thing was that another colleague who sat on the other side of him was unaffected. The only possible difference was that I was in the corner of the room, which has no windows and my colleague was by the door.

    I doubt that ventilation was the difference, but more likely that my colleague has some form of natural immunity.

    I might add that all three of us were fully vaccinated.

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