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Electricity is in serious trouble- Gridwatch

Woops, not enough Wind!

We have just had some more come online, but frequency was getting dangerously low 5 mins ago.

  • OK I''m probably 6 hrs behind, but I suspect a low frequency is more to do with the difficulties of being thermal stations online quickly when actual demand rises rather more quickly than anticipated, rather than lack of generating capacity as such. By the looks there's still an amount of gas fired capacity available (OCGT) and if we were in real difficulties we could presumably cut back on the 2+GW we're exporting to France.

        - Andy.

  • OK I''m probably 6 hrs behind, but I suspect a low frequency is more to do with the difficulties of being thermal stations online quickly when actual demand rises rather more quickly than anticipated, rather than lack of generating capacity as such. By the looks there's still an amount of gas fired capacity available (OCGT) and if we were in real difficulties we could presumably cut back on the 2+GW we're exporting to France.

        - Andy.

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