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Dr Judith Curry Live

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  • Absolutely.  Professional Engineers are also bound by codes of conduct which preclude spreading deliberate misinformation such as climate denial.
    I would suggest the best thing is for engineers work together on trying to find solutions rather than denying the existence of the problem.

  • I agree entirely Jim, instead of the constant and continuous debate on whether or not it exists we should be working together to provide solutions for the betterment of all inhabitants of this planet. Slight smile 

  • No sensible person would admit that the climate isn't changing. (denial as you put it)

    One degree in a century and more to come, That's where the engineering focus should be on adapting to a warming planet not on fixing a problem that may or may not be human caused. We do add CO2 to the atmosphere and yes it's a warming gas and contributes to the 'greenhouse effect', again no sensible person would deny that, man made CO2 will continue to rise as third world countries Westernise.

    What's wrong is the UN's IPCC 'Policy for Summery' comes before the 'Scientific Reports' as Dr Judith Curry points out in her excellent video. In other words, the science is made to fit the policy creating the blind panic to reduce man made CO2 emissions based on the results from best guess, flawed and failed Climate Models used in the reports.

  • I've read plenty to understand the scientific and engineering issues to make up my own mind up

    Here's some information not misinformation