chatGpt replacement

  • chatGpt is the new ai model like a assistant but super intelligent

 It baffles me and I need to verify do you think chatgpt will replace people at their jobs?

Will it bring more advantage than disadvantage?

  • ChatGPT in particular is probably one of the first of its kind when it comes to AI. I do believe that in the future AI will replace lots of jobs, and out of interest I asked ChatGPT this exact question. In short AI is likely to replace jobs such as customer services, accountants, receptionists, courier services and possibly even taxi/bus/rail services.

  • ChatGPT in particular is probably one of the first of its kind when it comes to AI. I do believe that in the future AI will replace lots of jobs, and out of interest I asked ChatGPT this exact question. In short AI is likely to replace jobs such as customer services, accountants, receptionists, courier services and possibly even taxi/bus/rail services.
