chatGpt replacement

  • chatGpt is the new ai model like a assistant but super intelligent

 It baffles me and I need to verify do you think chatgpt will replace people at their jobs?

Will it bring more advantage than disadvantage?

  • ChatGPT in particular is probably one of the first of its kind when it comes to AI. I do believe that in the future AI will replace lots of jobs, and out of interest I asked ChatGPT this exact question. In short AI is likely to replace jobs such as customer services, accountants, receptionists, courier services and possibly even taxi/bus/rail services.

  • And already has, plenty of companies (banks, mobile phone companies etc etc) now use AI chatbots in their websites to triage customer questions. Some are good, some are deeply irritating.

  • honestly i totally agree with you 

    but is this not going to cause more harm than good 

  • lol its just so painful AI dont feel any emotions to process and understand how humans feel 


  • From time to time human society faces changes in circumstances that rock it to the core,

    The early ones were all natural

    End of the ice age

    Black death

    plagues of various kinds

    The more recent have included some man-made and some self inflicted stupidity


    The extraction of coal oil and gas

    The understanding of germ theory and disinfection public health - longer life expectancy


    Morse code and telegraph

    Nuclear bombs,


    The Washing machine - allowing both parents to work away from home

    Votes for Women, on most of the planet



    TV and radio for education and entertainment

    The internet

    The very large scale integrated circuit

    Monoclonal antibodies

    Stem cells


    So far, society grumbles a bit and then adapts, perhaps with a war, or legislation, or just a change in life patterns to reach a new equilibrium,  I see no reason why it should not do so again. To decide that any of these things is more or less good or bad is futile, because unless you  become like  Pol Pot or the Taliban, once acquired the knowledge cannot easily be unlearnt - and Cambodia teaches us that even that sort of excess is recoverable over a few decades.

    Put AI on that list if you like it will only become clear years later how significant it is or not - clearly it will have some effect, but the key thing is humans, not the tools they make, be they lots of  flint arrow heads or a few  quantum computers..


  • The idea that AI will replace us all (bringing together a few of your posts Gideon) brings to my mind that other great mistaken idea that engineering was over, although that was actually a famous mis-quote of Charles Duell, the Commissioner of the United States Patent Office from 1898 to 1901: "Everything that can be invented has been invented". What he actually wrote was much more interesting, and very relevant to AI: 

    In my opinion, all previous advances in the various lines of invention will appear totally insignificant when compared with those which the present century will witness. I almost wish that I might live my life over again to see the wonders which are at the threshold.

  • ChatGPT is genuinely interesting, as mentioned by Taylor; it would replace customer services and receptionists as well as vehicular services though we aren't at a point yet, where the AI is entirely reliant on driving itself. However, AI will not necessarily replace people in all jobs but will act as an aid. For example, Github's co-pilot helps to produce code snippets/auto-completion for developers.