chatGpt replacement

  • chatGpt is the new ai model like a assistant but super intelligent

 It baffles me and I need to verify do you think chatgpt will replace people at their jobs?

Will it bring more advantage than disadvantage?

  • ChatGPT is genuinely interesting, as mentioned by Taylor; it would replace customer services and receptionists as well as vehicular services though we aren't at a point yet, where the AI is entirely reliant on driving itself. However, AI will not necessarily replace people in all jobs but will act as an aid. For example, Github's co-pilot helps to produce code snippets/auto-completion for developers.  

  • ChatGPT is genuinely interesting, as mentioned by Taylor; it would replace customer services and receptionists as well as vehicular services though we aren't at a point yet, where the AI is entirely reliant on driving itself. However, AI will not necessarily replace people in all jobs but will act as an aid. For example, Github's co-pilot helps to produce code snippets/auto-completion for developers.  

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