Blocked greasing point

I have one pin on my tractor front end loader that won't take grease.

I have checked the nipple and that the hole through the pin is clear. I've tried using a grease hammer with white spirit and I've tried heating it up with a gas torch. All to no avail.

It's a through pin secured by a through roll pin which is of course itself stuck so currently I can't drive the main pin out.

It doesn't have a hard life so leaving it could be an option but that doesn't sit well with my inner mechanic! So, all I can think of is to get really radical with the gas torch, what, to the point of cherry red? As I said, it's working ok atm so I don't want to *** it up!

I would welcome any other suggestions that have worked for you in the past.

Thanks G.

  • I presume its not the sort where the grease niple unscrews - do you have a pic?

    Therre may be a thing a bit like a bearing shell with a hole that has to line up with the grease point that has rotated. Or I may have the wrong thing completely in mind, and the grease nipple really is on the pin, and not the frame it rotates inside.


  • I presume its not the sort where the grease niple unscrews - do you have a pic?

    Therre may be a thing a bit like a bearing shell with a hole that has to line up with the grease point that has rotated. Or I may have the wrong thing completely in mind, and the grease nipple really is on the pin, and not the frame it rotates inside.


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