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What is the best way to wire ceiling lights?

The ceiling rose junction box with its loop-in wiring is now really showing its age and is no longer a practical (or even safe) installation for most residents who wish to install fancy light fittings. It is still, however, the most common arrangement for new build houses and rewires, probably as the result of the electrician's training and how they consider it to be the norm or they cannot think of (potentially better) alternatives.

So, what is the best way to wire ceiling lights? Should neutral wires be taken to the switches or not?

  • andydc:

    So, what is the best way to wire ceiling lights? Should neutral wires be taken to the switches or not?

    See 559.5.1.208. I prefer to loop at the switch personally.


    I would agree with andydc and 559.5.1.208 where consideration is given to providing a neutral where there is a need to provide power for electronic control.

    Its really a matter of personal choice, convenience, recognised standards and training whether you take the neutrals to the switch. Its based, historically, from the 2-plate conduit wiring system and still is in commercial/industrial lighting circuits where permenant lives are connected at the switches and return neutrals looped in at the light fittings.

    As long as its safe and easily followed by others then it is perfectly acceptable.



  • andydc:

    So, what is the best way to wire ceiling lights? Should neutral wires be taken to the switches or not?

    See 559.5.1.208. I prefer to loop at the switch personally.


    I would agree with andydc and 559.5.1.208 where consideration is given to providing a neutral where there is a need to provide power for electronic control.

    Its really a matter of personal choice, convenience, recognised standards and training whether you take the neutrals to the switch. Its based, historically, from the 2-plate conduit wiring system and still is in commercial/industrial lighting circuits where permenant lives are connected at the switches and return neutrals looped in at the light fittings.

    As long as its safe and easily followed by others then it is perfectly acceptable.


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