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BS1362 Plug-top Fuse - Peak Cut-off Current


It appears that finding technical data for what must be the most widely used/produced fuse in the UK is surprisingly difficult. I have the Bussmann time-current curves for BS1362 (plug top) fuses. However, I'm unable to get the energy let-through and peak cut-off current graphs (Bussmann's technical dept. doesn't have this). Therefore, I was hoping someone on the forum could help.

The data I require doesn't have to be for Bussmann's BS1362 fuses. This could be for another manufacturer, e.g., Marbo. However, in that case I'd also (ideally) need the time-current curve. I would try Marbo's technical, but I'm unable to find contact details for this company. Does anyone have an old BS1362 datasheet with this information (that's been tucked away for the last 30 to 40 years)?

Many thanks in advance ?
  • This question has come up before on the old forum, and has always been a bit of a fudge- The BS only specifies the breaking times max and min at a few spot currents, and allows makers to thread their curves between these in anyway they see fit.  This makes the spec as loose as a goose, and to guarantee discrimination is not really possible.

    The other fixed requirements are the dimensions,  the safe breaking capacity of 6000A, and a self heating upper limit of 1 watt at full load.

    The makers curves are useful however, as they give us an I2t value, or at least it is hiding in plain sight.

    At the fast end of the curves, pick a point, and then verify that at half that current the time to break is 4 times longer - here we are in constant I2t territory.

    On the no-break curve we get (5* 13A) ^2 * 0.01seconds  = 42 A2 seconds for 13A fuse

    On the all-break curve we get (20*13)^2 * 0.02secs = 1352 Amp squared seconds.   (see  that is a touch over  a 30 to 1 range  - you will  see what I meant about a loose spec,)

    We cannot assume any energy limiting action, as  it is not specified, but it is unlikely to be great  even at the max permitted 6kA fault level anyway..

    We can use the 1 watt at 13A to deduce a resistance of a cold unblown fuse to be  rather less than 1/(13^2) or about 5 milliohms. For good practical reasons  of length & cross section of fuse wire it is always more than half this, perhaps 3 milliohms . This is small compared to the loop impedances of 35milliohms or so required to give  6kA fault current from 230v, and can safely be neglected in most cases. The 6kA limit is met even on an ideal supply, if there is more than a metre of so of 1mm2 cable in the way, or 2.5metres of  of 2.5mm2 cable etc.
  • This question has come up before on the old forum, and has always been a bit of a fudge- The BS only specifies the breaking times max and min at a few spot currents, and allows makers to thread their curves between these in anyway they see fit.  This makes the spec as loose as a goose, and to guarantee discrimination is not really possible.

    The other fixed requirements are the dimensions,  the safe breaking capacity of 6000A, and a self heating upper limit of 1 watt at full load.

    The makers curves are useful however, as they give us an I2t value, or at least it is hiding in plain sight.

    At the fast end of the curves, pick a point, and then verify that at half that current the time to break is 4 times longer - here we are in constant I2t territory.

    On the no-break curve we get (5* 13A) ^2 * 0.01seconds  = 42 A2 seconds for 13A fuse

    On the all-break curve we get (20*13)^2 * 0.02secs = 1352 Amp squared seconds.   (see  that is a touch over  a 30 to 1 range  - you will  see what I meant about a loose spec,)

    We cannot assume any energy limiting action, as  it is not specified, but it is unlikely to be great  even at the max permitted 6kA fault level anyway..

    We can use the 1 watt at 13A to deduce a resistance of a cold unblown fuse to be  rather less than 1/(13^2) or about 5 milliohms. For good practical reasons  of length & cross section of fuse wire it is always more than half this, perhaps 3 milliohms . This is small compared to the loop impedances of 35milliohms or so required to give  6kA fault current from 230v, and can safely be neglected in most cases. The 6kA limit is met even on an ideal supply, if there is more than a metre of so of 1mm2 cable in the way, or 2.5metres of  of 2.5mm2 cable etc.
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