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Ship Power System

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Is the neutral typically distributed on ship power systems?


  • Dbat:

    Especially true on battleships, where the protective systems are isolated when entering battle. More people may die if the guns trip out and the ship sinks, rather than a few people being killed by shocks from equipment in fault

    I have thought a bit about this and it is not strictly true. The electrical protection is unlikely to be isolated, since if there is a major electrical fault it is better to trip a gun than to have the generators stall and lose the whole electrical supply. I believe there are battle over-rides which allow some protection to be bypassed to keep power on systems on the basis that you may wreck an item of equipment but if the alternative is the loss of the entire ship (including that equipment) then it is an obvious choice. The general principle, whether on merchant ships or warships, is isolate the faulty equipment in order to maintain the rest of the equipment and have redundancy so that the loss of a single item of equipment will not result in the loss of a function.


  • Dbat:

    Especially true on battleships, where the protective systems are isolated when entering battle. More people may die if the guns trip out and the ship sinks, rather than a few people being killed by shocks from equipment in fault

    I have thought a bit about this and it is not strictly true. The electrical protection is unlikely to be isolated, since if there is a major electrical fault it is better to trip a gun than to have the generators stall and lose the whole electrical supply. I believe there are battle over-rides which allow some protection to be bypassed to keep power on systems on the basis that you may wreck an item of equipment but if the alternative is the loss of the entire ship (including that equipment) then it is an obvious choice. The general principle, whether on merchant ships or warships, is isolate the faulty equipment in order to maintain the rest of the equipment and have redundancy so that the loss of a single item of equipment will not result in the loss of a function.

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