Paul Skyrme:
It has to be opened up to be wired when fitted Andy! ;)
As far as inspection goes, for something that is likely running at 13A for maybe 10 or 12 hours at a time, possibly more, on a regular basis wouldn't you want to pop the front off and take a peek?
I agree it would be better on the exterior of the outlet, but then again that is why things like BS 1363 & BS 7671 go through a DPC stage, for those of us who have to work with them to make comments on getting them created in a manner which makes our lives easier.
Not that the majority of people who actually use 13-amp sockets for charging EVs are likely to understand the risks of using an unmarked socket anyway.
A shaver socket gets an infographic and a label which spoils it sleek design when it is going to be installed in a swish bathroom, but the it seems 13-amp EV sockets need to remain unblemished even though they are intended to be installed on a wall outside or within a garage and in the majority of installations are going to be covered with a lid to get the required IP rating; and labelling on the front of a USB charger built into a 13-amp plug socket is obligatory.
A shaver socket gets an infographic and a label which spoils it sleek design when it is going to be installed in a swish bathroom, but the it seems 13-amp EV sockets need to remain unblemished even though they are intended to be installed on a wall outside or within a garage and in the majority of installations are going to be covered with a lid to get the required IP rating; and labelling on the front of a USB charger built into a 13-amp plug socket is obligatory.
There must also be a label adjacent or on the front face stating "suitable for electric vehicle charging", 722. (I)
I asked for one in my local merchant and they said never heard of it but can get one printed up, at a price.
It is not clear from the reg that using a sharpie and writing EV on the back of the faceplate of a normal bs1363-2 would not comply.
The EV charging granny lead could be connected using one or more extension leads, possibly extending it out onto the public highway and be trailing across a foot path.
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