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Immersion heater - economy 7 timer wiring

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I have a honeywell st6400c controller and an immersion heater. 

My heater has 2 switches, off and on peak. My concern is that the heating works only with both switches on. Even if its set to trigger at off peak time only, which it does, both switches light up and if I switch off the onpeak one, the heating stops even tho the offpeak is still lit (testing this at off peak hours ofc). Is this correct ? does this not use much more electricity? I was monitoring this and Im sure it goes against the "night" hours, but my worry is that it uses much more power than it should.

Thank you for your advice

  • Difficult to be sure without seeing how it is wired, but do you have 2 elements in the tank (one high for just heating half a tank, one low for heating a whole tank) or one element and a change over switch?

    I'm also assuming you have 2 sets of cables from your meter, some that are live all the time and some that are live only at off-peak times.

    Please check this is true before reading the below, as it may not be the case.

    The 6400 is normally used with hot water and heating,  and is in effect a pair of time clocks, that operate two groups 

    of  contacts that can keep different times.  manual can be downloaded here 

    As such this is not normally used with E7. Equally you could have the two clocks wired with one on each supply, or there may be a change over relay somewhere so that whenever the E7 supply is on, the system uses it, but if there is demand at other times, then it gets put on the day rate supply.

    Basically to be able to help we will need you to do a bit of detective work.
  • Difficult to be sure without seeing how it is wired, but do you have 2 elements in the tank (one high for just heating half a tank, one low for heating a whole tank) or one element and a change over switch?

    I'm also assuming you have 2 sets of cables from your meter, some that are live all the time and some that are live only at off-peak times.

    Please check this is true before reading the below, as it may not be the case.

    The 6400 is normally used with hot water and heating,  and is in effect a pair of time clocks, that operate two groups 

    of  contacts that can keep different times.  manual can be downloaded here 

    As such this is not normally used with E7. Equally you could have the two clocks wired with one on each supply, or there may be a change over relay somewhere so that whenever the E7 supply is on, the system uses it, but if there is demand at other times, then it gets put on the day rate supply.

    Basically to be able to help we will need you to do a bit of detective work.
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