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Immersion heater - economy 7 timer wiring

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I have a honeywell st6400c controller and an immersion heater. 

My heater has 2 switches, off and on peak. My concern is that the heating works only with both switches on. Even if its set to trigger at off peak time only, which it does, both switches light up and if I switch off the onpeak one, the heating stops even tho the offpeak is still lit (testing this at off peak hours ofc). Is this correct ? does this not use much more electricity? I was monitoring this and Im sure it goes against the "night" hours, but my worry is that it uses much more power than it should.

Thank you for your advice

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    the st6400c controls everything - hot water and heating. theres no other way to switch either of those on to start the heating process. no other switches or anything. if i dont change the controller to "run programme" and move one of the sliders to once or cont. it wont work.

    additionally, if the onpeak switch isnt on, it wont work, no matter the time of the day. same as if i use the honeywell controller to auto trigger the heating in early morning. it needs the onpeak ON.

    as far as im aware. the onpeak switch shouldnt be used unless as you said i need to do the heating during the day which i never do. so why is it necessary to be on for the offpeak heating to run is a mystery and reason ive raised this. i believe it worked well when ive moved in and im not sure whether this is caused by the supplier switch or something else has gone wrong as i really dont see the reason why it would make any difference. especially in regards to the controller and switches. 

    i do have solar panels too, thought the rest of the boxes are only related to them. although again, no idea how they help me save energy as i think the heater  takes about 0.01kwh every 2 seconds
  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member

    the st6400c controls everything - hot water and heating. theres no other way to switch either of those on to start the heating process. no other switches or anything. if i dont change the controller to "run programme" and move one of the sliders to once or cont. it wont work.

    additionally, if the onpeak switch isnt on, it wont work, no matter the time of the day. same as if i use the honeywell controller to auto trigger the heating in early morning. it needs the onpeak ON.

    as far as im aware. the onpeak switch shouldnt be used unless as you said i need to do the heating during the day which i never do. so why is it necessary to be on for the offpeak heating to run is a mystery and reason ive raised this. i believe it worked well when ive moved in and im not sure whether this is caused by the supplier switch or something else has gone wrong as i really dont see the reason why it would make any difference. especially in regards to the controller and switches. 

    i do have solar panels too, thought the rest of the boxes are only related to them. although again, no idea how they help me save energy as i think the heater  takes about 0.01kwh every 2 seconds
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