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EICR and IR Testing

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Oh the bane of IR testing on EICRs

Now its just impracticle to disconnect all loads to carry out IR testing, I think everyone can agree on that. And that Phase and Neutral are connected then tested to earth.

This is what I do, and then test @250V as to avoid damaging any equipment in the installation. And unless the IR value was <.5 Meg, would not bother me. What BS7671 states, but BS7671 is maybe somewhat unclear in that if that voltage (250V) was used then .5meg value should used, but that value should only be used on SELV, and PELV. Now experience also tells me that even if you had a return 0.0, and then did Kohms by using the ohms setting, even values of 100Kohms are fine. (Actually can be much lower than this) and we are pretty clear that its not the cable reurning these values.

So question is when doing an EICR @ 250V, at what point would you recommend an FI? For me the value would have to be <.5Meg
  • Chris

    You have fallen in to the usual trap of not understanding the major difference between Initial Verification and Periodic Inspection and Testing.

    Initial Verification is the I&T of a new installation before being put in to service and periodic inspection and testing is for an installation already in service.

    The tests for Initial Verification are done in sequence and if any test fails then the process stops and any defects are rectified before re-commencing testing and repeating any test that could have been influenced by the defect, see Regulation 643.1. IR testing being one of the dead tests that must be satisfactory before energising the installation for the first time for the live tests. Regulation 643.3.2 allows for 250V IR testing where equipment could be damaged or SPDs cannot be removed.

    Periodic Inspection takes place with the installation having been in service and there are no prescribed tests in BS 7671 and any tests need not be done in any set sequence. Periodic Inspection and Testing (Chapter 65) majors on Inspection and testing is an ancillary activity as Regulation 651 .2 says "supplemented by appropriate tests and measurements from Chapter 64". 

    I see >200M for large installation Live/Live on EICRs and ask for an explanation as how that test was carried out. knowing full well that is a blatant fabrication!
  • Chris

    You have fallen in to the usual trap of not understanding the major difference between Initial Verification and Periodic Inspection and Testing.

    Initial Verification is the I&T of a new installation before being put in to service and periodic inspection and testing is for an installation already in service.

    The tests for Initial Verification are done in sequence and if any test fails then the process stops and any defects are rectified before re-commencing testing and repeating any test that could have been influenced by the defect, see Regulation 643.1. IR testing being one of the dead tests that must be satisfactory before energising the installation for the first time for the live tests. Regulation 643.3.2 allows for 250V IR testing where equipment could be damaged or SPDs cannot be removed.

    Periodic Inspection takes place with the installation having been in service and there are no prescribed tests in BS 7671 and any tests need not be done in any set sequence. Periodic Inspection and Testing (Chapter 65) majors on Inspection and testing is an ancillary activity as Regulation 651 .2 says "supplemented by appropriate tests and measurements from Chapter 64". 

    I see >200M for large installation Live/Live on EICRs and ask for an explanation as how that test was carried out. knowing full well that is a blatant fabrication!
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