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EICR and IR Testing

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Oh the bane of IR testing on EICRs

Now its just impracticle to disconnect all loads to carry out IR testing, I think everyone can agree on that. And that Phase and Neutral are connected then tested to earth.

This is what I do, and then test @250V as to avoid damaging any equipment in the installation. And unless the IR value was <.5 Meg, would not bother me. What BS7671 states, but BS7671 is maybe somewhat unclear in that if that voltage (250V) was used then .5meg value should used, but that value should only be used on SELV, and PELV. Now experience also tells me that even if you had a return 0.0, and then did Kohms by using the ohms setting, even values of 100Kohms are fine. (Actually can be much lower than this) and we are pretty clear that its not the cable reurning these values.

So question is when doing an EICR @ 250V, at what point would you recommend an FI? For me the value would have to be <.5Meg
  • I did another job last week around four miles away from your house which required me to go two days to do a first and second fix. The customer was a retired Post Office guy who worked at the international office and was telling me about the Post Office underground train and other bits of kit the PO used.

    Apparently the 1934 10th edition of the Wiring Regulations brought in a requirement for earthing, so that cable could be some of the first twin and earth or it could be three wire D.C. or A.C., there was also apparently a hell of a lot of variations in the electricity supply across London before the Second World War and it also seems there is still a hell of a lot of legacy installations still I use, some of which the customers still don’t want to rewire and want you to to tell them give sound insulation test results.

    Andy B.

  • I did another job last week around four miles away from your house which required me to go two days to do a first and second fix. The customer was a retired Post Office guy who worked at the international office and was telling me about the Post Office underground train and other bits of kit the PO used.

    Apparently the 1934 10th edition of the Wiring Regulations brought in a requirement for earthing, so that cable could be some of the first twin and earth or it could be three wire D.C. or A.C., there was also apparently a hell of a lot of variations in the electricity supply across London before the Second World War and it also seems there is still a hell of a lot of legacy installations still I use, some of which the customers still don’t want to rewire and want you to to tell them give sound insulation test results.

    Andy B.

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