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Smart E7 meter.

  • Sparkingchip:

    The model number on the photographs show the meter as a Liberty 112 whereas the link is for a Liberty 100.

    The description of a Liberty 112 shown here describes it as: 

    Liberty 112 By Secure Meters

    The Liberty 112 is a single phase smart electricity meter with auxiliary load control capability and with modular communication hub options, inclusive of an Energy Service Interface (ESI) for both Electricity and Gas commodity.

    There does appear to be an unused cable inlet for a control wire in your photo?

    So far cannot find anything else for a 112


  • Sparkingchip:

    The model number on the photographs show the meter as a Liberty 112 whereas the link is for a Liberty 100.

    The description of a Liberty 112 shown here describes it as: 

    Liberty 112 By Secure Meters

    The Liberty 112 is a single phase smart electricity meter with auxiliary load control capability and with modular communication hub options, inclusive of an Energy Service Interface (ESI) for both Electricity and Gas commodity.

    There does appear to be an unused cable inlet for a control wire in your photo?

    So far cannot find anything else for a 112


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