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Smart E7 meter.

  • e5c5b71674f8eb6c8d8cb4d27e010025-original-20201106_190007.jpg
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  • Is it just fantasy or is it reality?

    The tenant says it’s a smart E7 prepayment meter he is topping using an app on his phone.

    I held a volt stick next to the E7 tail and it appeared it was not energised whilst I was on the job. I did try going through the display screens on the meter, but didn’t find much information.
  • No external relay or switches, it is a standalone unit.
  • 1/2 hourly billing? It's easy enough to know the rate during each period. Sounds too good to be true? Maybe.

    What seems odd to me is three line conductors, but only two neutral. Presumably there must be a Henley block somewhere out of view.
  • Sparkingchip:

    The model number on the photographs show the meter as a Liberty 112 whereas the link is for a Liberty 100.

    The description of a Liberty 112 shown here describes it as: 

    Liberty 112 By Secure Meters

    The Liberty 112 is a single phase smart electricity meter with auxiliary load control capability and with modular communication hub options, inclusive of an Energy Service Interface (ESI) for both Electricity and Gas commodity.

    There does appear to be an unused cable inlet for a control wire in your photo?

    So far cannot find anything else for a 112


  • A little more info:-

    Although it says for a Liberty 110, these  may be of use?

    To get the Night and Day reading on a 'Liberty 110' smart meter, press 9 on the meter's keypad. It's only with the standard 'Liberty 100' smart meter that you need to press 6 if it's Economy 7 (for Day and Night readings) and 9 to get the single rate reading.


    To take a meter reading on a standard electricity tariff:

    1. Press 6 on the keypad.

    • You'll see the letters “IMP R01” appear on the screen.

    • Wait a moment – then eight digits will appear, followed by “kWh” towards the bottom right of the screen.

    • Take the first 7 digits – this is your reading.

    To take a meter reading on an Economy 7 electricity tariff:

    1. Press 6 on the keypad four times.

    • Wait a moment – your day/peak and night/ off-peak readings will show up on the screen one after the other, starting with off-peak.

    • For your off-peak reading, you'll see “IMP R01” onscreen. A second later, you'll see your meter reading: eight digits, with “kWh” towards the bottom right of the screen.

    • For your peak reading you'll see “IMP R02”. A second later, you'll see eight digits, with “kWh” towards the bottom right of the screen. You'll only need to take the first 7 digits when taking each of these readings (i.e. nothing after the decimal place).

  • That's intuitive!
  • So, the plot thickens, the adjoining flat had an E7 meter but someone switched it to a single rate tariff.

    The new tenant of the adjoining flat moved in having previously been a credit customer of Bulb Energy, she has realised that the meter is not set up for E7 and has asked Bulb Energy to change it from the single rate meter which is prepayment with a charge key to a two rate credit meter., so she can carry on paying them by direct debit as she did in her previous flat.

    Bulb Energy have told her that she cannot change tariff for two months from when she moved in, they will have to do a credit check despite her being an existing customer, she will have to pay £120 to have the meter replaced and it cannot be a Smart meter.

    If she uses the two storage heaters for two months on the single rate tariff she will OVER PAY by £190 above what the E7 off-peak rate should be.

    So in the two months between moving in and being able to have a two rate supply with an E7 tariff Bulb Energy are telling her she has to pay them at least £310 more than she was expecting to, bearing in mind if she is on an E7 tariff she will be paying around £115 per month whilst the heating is on over the Winter.

    Needless to say she is contacting other energy suppliers and barely heating the flat in the meantime.