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Smart E7 meter.

  • Current single rate tariff 16.63 pence per kilowatt hour, compared to a neighbouring flat paying 9.93 pence per kilowatt hour on an E7 tariff for space and water heating.

    Her flat has two HHR storage heaters that take a 24 kilowatt hour charge each plus a hot water cylinder with an immersion heater.

    This has to be balanced against the peak rate being 19.08 per kilowatt hour peak rate on the two rate supply.

    Plus there’s a £2.02 per week standing charge.

    This is where “fuel poverty” gets a mention.
  • Current single rate tariff 16.63 pence per kilowatt hour, compared to a neighbouring flat paying 9.93 pence per kilowatt hour on an E7 tariff for space and water heating.

    Her flat has two HHR storage heaters that take a 24 kilowatt hour charge each plus a hot water cylinder with an immersion heater.

    This has to be balanced against the peak rate being 19.08 per kilowatt hour peak rate on the two rate supply.

    Plus there’s a £2.02 per week standing charge.

    This is where “fuel poverty” gets a mention.
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