The lighting circuit would be easy to re wire as the back boxes are all connected with iron/galvanised barrel or something. So straight forward to pop new cable down.
The owner is keen to get this fixed ASAP and is happy to pay what ever it takes as the Agency are telling her she risks a 30k fine to get it done ASAP.
That's great. The £30k is a penalty and not a fine and I think it is regrettable if the landlady feels threatened by it.
It isn't necessarily "straight forward" to pull cables up and down conduit or capping - it can be a doddle or it can be a ***. Good luck!
The lighting circuit would be easy to re wire as the back boxes are all connected with iron/galvanised barrel or something. So straight forward to pop new cable down.
The owner is keen to get this fixed ASAP and is happy to pay what ever it takes as the Agency are telling her she risks a 30k fine to get it done ASAP.
That's great. The £30k is a penalty and not a fine and I think it is regrettable if the landlady feels threatened by it.
It isn't necessarily "straight forward" to pull cables up and down conduit or capping - it can be a doddle or it can be a ***. Good luck!
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