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CT1 and CT2

Perhaps a rather rudimentary question but what is “full mode” protection? I assume that it is a combination of common and differential modes but it seems to me that it is generally common mode that is provided.
  • Sparkingchip:

    What is the answer to the original question?

    Yes, good question Andy. It seems to me that CT1 provides protection against OVs to earth, probably the most common  OV resulting from lightning activity and CT2 gives protection between live conductors and also N/E. Neither connection method appears to give protection to cover all modes. It is not unreasonable for clients, or indeed electrical contractors, to assume that when they install SPDs, mostly in CT1 arrangement, OV protection is in place without further consideration. 

  • Sparkingchip:

    What is the answer to the original question?

    Yes, good question Andy. It seems to me that CT1 provides protection against OVs to earth, probably the most common  OV resulting from lightning activity and CT2 gives protection between live conductors and also N/E. Neither connection method appears to give protection to cover all modes. It is not unreasonable for clients, or indeed electrical contractors, to assume that when they install SPDs, mostly in CT1 arrangement, OV protection is in place without further consideration. 

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