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Hi all,

I bought one of these for the first time today for a job I have coming up. I was suprised when I opened it up to find the SPD linked to the isolator by just 2.5mm wires, as these are the factory connection I guess this is the norm but I was suprised all the same! Why so small? I was expecting a copper busbar!


  • This is getting the better of me.

    That live busbar appears to be one of the Wylex pin type busbars in the balcony slots, so surely that means that the pins are only secured under one side of the terminal screw head, which in my mind would potentially twist the terminals by putting undue strain on one side of them, also I presume there’s bare copper exposed on the top of the busbar under neutral screw head, presumably there’s a few millimetres clearance?
  • This is getting the better of me.

    That live busbar appears to be one of the Wylex pin type busbars in the balcony slots, so surely that means that the pins are only secured under one side of the terminal screw head, which in my mind would potentially twist the terminals by putting undue strain on one side of them, also I presume there’s bare copper exposed on the top of the busbar under neutral screw head, presumably there’s a few millimetres clearance?
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