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Hi all,

I bought one of these for the first time today for a job I have coming up. I was suprised when I opened it up to find the SPD linked to the isolator by just 2.5mm wires, as these are the factory connection I guess this is the norm but I was suprised all the same! Why so small? I was expecting a copper busbar!


  • lets hope it is made like a 2 pole version of those 3 phase busbars where only every third pin is connected to each other.

    Anythin else would have potential to be lethal,  or one of them needs to share the main holes with the incoming tails

  • lets hope it is made like a 2 pole version of those 3 phase busbars where only every third pin is connected to each other.

    Anythin else would have potential to be lethal,  or one of them needs to share the main holes with the incoming tails

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