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Electric Cooker with Gas Part.

A customer is having a new all electric cooker delivered today. I installed a new consumer unit and cooker connection point yesterday. A local retailer will not connect up a new cooker if the connection is not simple and straightforward. The old cooker is to be scrapped. The retailer has been known to take a new cooker away after refusing to connect it. The lady of the house is sorry to see the back of the old cooker, I suppose that that is why she was cleaning it yesterday.

  • mapj1:

    as available from all good gas suppliers for traditional bayonet...  also in   micropoint   from the same place but in both cases not a gas seal as such , more of a keeping it clean on the mating surfaces so when you need it again in a year or ten, it's not full of greasy fluffy unidentifiables.

    I have no connection with BES other than as a customer, and a shameless linker to their web images


    So chewing gum would do as well, or a plastic sandwich bag and a rubber band. But string would last longer at the gas fitting around the plastic bag.


  • mapj1:

    as available from all good gas suppliers for traditional bayonet...  also in   micropoint   from the same place but in both cases not a gas seal as such , more of a keeping it clean on the mating surfaces so when you need it again in a year or ten, it's not full of greasy fluffy unidentifiables.

    I have no connection with BES other than as a customer, and a shameless linker to their web images


    So chewing gum would do as well, or a plastic sandwich bag and a rubber band. But string would last longer at the gas fitting around the plastic bag.


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