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Safe Disconnection to Undertake Work.

Scene. An old farm building now used as a double glazing frame maker's workshop.

The supply comes from an old shed about 40 metres away, where the meter is. The old shed has some 70s/80s rusty M.E.M. isolators that feed several S.W.A. cables that exist the shed in many directions underground. I suspect that one feeds the main farmhouse, another a rented cottage and the others various farm buildings. There is no clear labelling of the isolators.

What is the best way to locate the frame maker's  building supply where I have to work?

Somewhere I have a circuit i/d set, if I can find it, but that will need access to the live parts and I do not wish to turn off the wrong isolator.


  • Zoomup:

    Just a feeling I have.

    "Go with your guts" was an aphorism which I learned many years ago. Your gut feeling is, in fact, a sub-conscious analysis of the situation. Zoomy, you are clearly experienced enough to have plenty of guts. ?

    When I did my training, we were given the acronym "SILT" for safe isolation - switch off, isolate, lock off, test. I reckon that it should be "PSILT" with a silent P as is psychiatrist. The P stands for "permission".

    Removing trunking lids sounds as dodgy as removing the wings off a TR2. If the bolt head shifts at all, it simply shears off. Then where do you stand?

    Afraid that I must still advise trial and error.

    ETA: put yer tin 'at on. Isolate one by one and see who comes at you with a loaded 12-bore. ?

  • Zoomup:

    Just a feeling I have.

    "Go with your guts" was an aphorism which I learned many years ago. Your gut feeling is, in fact, a sub-conscious analysis of the situation. Zoomy, you are clearly experienced enough to have plenty of guts. ?

    When I did my training, we were given the acronym "SILT" for safe isolation - switch off, isolate, lock off, test. I reckon that it should be "PSILT" with a silent P as is psychiatrist. The P stands for "permission".

    Removing trunking lids sounds as dodgy as removing the wings off a TR2. If the bolt head shifts at all, it simply shears off. Then where do you stand?

    Afraid that I must still advise trial and error.

    ETA: put yer tin 'at on. Isolate one by one and see who comes at you with a loaded 12-bore. ?

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