Is it me?

davezawadi (David Stone):
SELV is by definition class 2 Andy, there are terminals marked Earth but why is a good question, but it is not a problem for you to wire up is it? Both units are mounted on a PCB, but you do not show us the casing if any.
The SELV output may be class II, but that does NOT mean the mains input is.
I would certainly either question this product as Sparkingchip has done … or not use it, purely based on the markings on the drivers required by the product standards. They are there for a reason, to indicate (in this case) the safe installation and use of the product.
I raised an issue with the fitting manufacturer some years ago, because they were marked as requiring an earth but the driver they were using then did not have an earth terminal, I wanted them to commit to saying the all plastic fittings were Class II and the earth terminal was merely a parking terminal and/ or to allow the fittings to be daisy chained allowing CPC continuity on the circuit protective conductor.
Their said they were Class I despite being plastic all insulated fittings with absolutely nothing to earth.
However now they have changed the design, there is a switch on the front of the circuit board so you can switch the LEDs from 3000K to 4000K and this is the new driver, but the new driver has this earth terminal which they are not connecting up.
Hence the question “Is it me?” because I am not getting a grip on what the thinking is behind all of this.
The earth terminal on the driver may be required for a number of reasons, that may include any (or all) of the following:
Hence the question “Is it me?” because I am not getting a grip on what the thinking is behind all of this.
Total lack of care, I would have said. If it's Chinese, then earthing seems to be optional, regardless of whether the components actually have earth connectors.
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