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Earthing SELV LED driver.

Is it me?

SELV LED driver 
  • Ohmtronic, with the omega symbol like that is apparently registered to 

    Ansell Electrical Products Limited 
    Warrington WA3 3JD

    in the EU (ref)

    They in turn belong to a Japanese company, but have significant autonomy.

    Other companies with similar names are based in Peru and the US, but not the logo..


    The Ansell website is strangely silent on ohmtronic so I assume it  is an ‘off brand ’ aimed at a different market segment, perhaps only for sale to other makers of fittings and not direct to public.

    they have a very liberal approach to declaring CE conformity - basically ‘all our products comply, not going to bother to list them '

    Ever seen a certificate like this? - does not even list the devices it covers… 





  • Ohmtronic, with the omega symbol like that is apparently registered to 

    Ansell Electrical Products Limited 
    Warrington WA3 3JD

    in the EU (ref)

    They in turn belong to a Japanese company, but have significant autonomy.

    Other companies with similar names are based in Peru and the US, but not the logo..


    The Ansell website is strangely silent on ohmtronic so I assume it  is an ‘off brand ’ aimed at a different market segment, perhaps only for sale to other makers of fittings and not direct to public.

    they have a very liberal approach to declaring CE conformity - basically ‘all our products comply, not going to bother to list them '

    Ever seen a certificate like this? - does not even list the devices it covers… 





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