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Is this a mistake in the Onsite guide?

Hi To all.  I do not have the Regs AMD2 yet so I cant check.  Is this a mistake? in Onsite guide P211 .It says a) 20A for ring circuit A1 then on P210 Table H2.1 A1 ring 30 or32 A.

  • No, not a mistake in this case.

    The minimum current carrying capacity of the conductors in a ring circuit is 20A - but there are two of them.

    30A  or 32A is the protective device.

  • Thank you geoffd .I am fixing some defects following EICR done by others. I noticed that they picked up a ring circuit on 16A  but did not on 20 A. So I thought I check but those 2 pages in Onsite guide confused me. I do not know this  A1 20A  is relevant in the book and do not see the point. Thank you

  • A1 is the standard ring final circuit - 30A/32A with 2.5mm² T&E cable.

    It is not an A1 20A circuit. It is just that you are looking at the conductor size H2.3 section as well.

    The two legs must be a minimum of 20A CCC (although it states that the minimum size (except MICC) must be 2.5mm²; this still relates to a BS3036 30A fuse being used).

  • I may have misunderstood, what exactly was the defect that was found? It cannot be the CPD rating, was it the cable CSA?

  • Hi David 

    Sorry for the delay. The defect I found was a 20A MCB on a ring circuit..Thanks

  • Can you confirm it's a ring and not 2 radials.

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