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Street lighting control

Does anyone have an insight into how Councils control street lights? My client is a residents association in a private road just off a Lincolnshire County Council public highway. They have seven street lights in the private road, each appears to have a single feed to them and there is no (apparent) control box for them - it appears their street lights are fed from the public highway (unless I am missing something). In the middle of the night the public highway lights get turned off, but those on the private road do not.  I have been asked to quote for providing a timer(s) for the lights  in the private road - in my opinion the installation cost and inconvenience in the event of power cuts does not justify this approach - am hoping they can be included in whatever switching on/off the Council do. Any pointers please on who to speak to to see if the private road lights can also be controlled by the Council?

  • I would keep it simple and use standard photocells as are very widely used for this sort of thing. Fit either an "all night" or a "part night" photocell as best meets customer needs.

    Avoid any complications such as timers or remote control. A failed photocell is easily replaced. 

    But also think twice before altering anything, these streetlights are probably unmetered and might be maintained by either the DNO or by the local authority, either of whom will not like any third party working on them.

  • I would keep it simple and use standard photocells as are very widely used for this sort of thing. Fit either an "all night" or a "part night" photocell as best meets customer needs.

    Avoid any complications such as timers or remote control. A failed photocell is easily replaced. 

    But also think twice before altering anything, these streetlights are probably unmetered and might be maintained by either the DNO or by the local authority, either of whom will not like any third party working on them.

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