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What is the Two Minute Rule?

  • Nothing to do with dropping food on the floor then ?

  • Nope... thats the 10s rule :-)

  • Certainly not if cheese is involved. (You need to see Mrs May's tribute to the Queen to understand that one.)

  • Who is Mrs. May, the North Yorkshire outdoor custard pie thrower? I think that you are all struggling with this simple 2 minute rule question, but I will award half marks for effort. Gets calculator: half of zero is .........erm.....? Will it be a negative answer......erm...?


  • Who is Mrs. May, the North Yorkshire outdoor custard pie thrower? I think that you are all struggling with this simple 2 minute rule question, but I will award half marks for effort. Gets calculator: half of zero is .........erm.....? Will it be a negative answer......erm...?


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