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Bathroom light fitting installation instructions.

There is currently a discussion on this forum about bathroom zones, I won't confuse the issue by adding this photo to that one.

A couple of weeks ago I installed a light fitting supplies by the customer, which came with instructions that include this diagram.

Every time I see a diagram like this I wonder where they originated from?

  • That diagram or similar has been copied for many years now. It is actually wrong, Note a zone is shown around the LHB (Lavatory Hand Basin or just plain Hand Basin - there is no such zone in the regs but it has been copied into folklore - that`s not to say you would have anything in the bathroom capable of being splashed by use of taps whether it to be a hand basin in a bathroom or a sink in a kitchen (Note it is very unusual to have a sink in a bathroom and a bit less unusual to have a hand basin in a kitchen - or cellar etc. note some plumbers use this miss-naming for profit creating, you ask them to fix a leak in the tap in the sink and they re-washer the kitchen sink whilst knowing full well that it is the bathroom hand basin that needs it therefore get two jobs from the one job by being pedantic). 

    However I side-tracked , sorry.

    Note the voltimum diagram supplied by Sparkingchip does not contain the hand basin zone error that most others do.

  • That diagram or similar has been copied for many years now. It is actually wrong, Note a zone is shown around the LHB (Lavatory Hand Basin or just plain Hand Basin - there is no such zone in the regs but it has been copied into folklore - that`s not to say you would have anything in the bathroom capable of being splashed by use of taps whether it to be a hand basin in a bathroom or a sink in a kitchen (Note it is very unusual to have a sink in a bathroom and a bit less unusual to have a hand basin in a kitchen - or cellar etc. note some plumbers use this miss-naming for profit creating, you ask them to fix a leak in the tap in the sink and they re-washer the kitchen sink whilst knowing full well that it is the bathroom hand basin that needs it therefore get two jobs from the one job by being pedantic). 

    However I side-tracked , sorry.

    Note the voltimum diagram supplied by Sparkingchip does not contain the hand basin zone error that most others do.

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