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Bathroom light fitting installation instructions.

There is currently a discussion on this forum about bathroom zones, I won't confuse the issue by adding this photo to that one.

A couple of weeks ago I installed a light fitting supplies by the customer, which came with instructions that include this diagram.

Every time I see a diagram like this I wonder where they originated from?

  • Countries that permit sockets outside Zone one, so long as it is also outside any  zone where splashing is reasonably expected such as a sink.

    I'm not sure about the latest but at one time the German regs were like this.

    UK regs have a further zone not shown at 2m5 for sockets and in principle allows a socket directly on sink so long as that sink is 2,5m or more from a bath or shower.

    There is not as much euroharmony among regs writers as there is among makers and exporters of bathroom lights, cabinets and sockets - as you might imagine, makers do not want to make more than one model , and the same applies to instructions.

    If it really matters is another question.


  • That is a photo of the instructions that were in the box with the light fitting, if you do an Internet search you will find many similar examples.

    This is one of the IET diagrams:

  • That diagram or similar has been copied for many years now. It is actually wrong, Note a zone is shown around the LHB (Lavatory Hand Basin or just plain Hand Basin - there is no such zone in the regs but it has been copied into folklore - that`s not to say you would have anything in the bathroom capable of being splashed by use of taps whether it to be a hand basin in a bathroom or a sink in a kitchen (Note it is very unusual to have a sink in a bathroom and a bit less unusual to have a hand basin in a kitchen - or cellar etc. note some plumbers use this miss-naming for profit creating, you ask them to fix a leak in the tap in the sink and they re-washer the kitchen sink whilst knowing full well that it is the bathroom hand basin that needs it therefore get two jobs from the one job by being pedantic). 

    However I side-tracked , sorry.

    Note the voltimum diagram supplied by Sparkingchip does not contain the hand basin zone error that most others do.

  • round here the thing in the bog with taps is often called a sink, its a matter of where you from.


  • Yes Mike it`s often called a sink just like a vacuum cleaner is often called a Hoover even if it`s a Dyson or a Panasonic  

  • I don't think the Regulations mention bog either.

  • No but I bet the authors use one  all the same.


  • We had a discussion about the Z2 around the 'hand basin' some time ago - IIRC it was claimed that it came from an NICEIC/ElectricalSafetyFirst (or similar) publication that had been picked up by multiple manufacturers - seemingly an attempt to encourage 'better practice' and somehow merge general environmental conditions/IP ratings into the zone system for simplicity - but was widely mis-interpreted as being direct BS 7671 701 requirements. Manufacturers, thinking that they already had someone else to take responsibility for interpreting the regs for them were then reluctant to 'correct' things based on their own interpretation.

           - Andy.