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Standards relevant to the development and supply of smart meters.

What standards apply to the development of smart meters? If there are any, are there different ones for the backend (data collection) systems, metering and in-home displays?

I am asking as I am concerned with the quality of the software in the one I have in my house. Specifically:

  1. It sometimes "forgets" that I have a gas meter - the IHD will, for an unspecified period, only show electricity-related parameters and settings.
  2. The kWh reading for electricity sometimes "goes backwards" when it updates the display. The reading is updated every 10 seconds, but the display will sometimes show something like 12.3 ... 12.2 ... 12.4 when it updates (all numbers shown over a period of less than a second).
  3. I often have the IHD set to display kWh used rather than cost, as I find kWh more useful. However, the display has now stopped updating the electricity used value (i.e., it is frozen), and will only update if I switch to cost and then back to kWh.

I am hoping that the quality of the software within the metering and backend is better (and, ideally, subject to regulation), and that the IHD is being treated as non-critical "consumer kit".

  • My IHD has been faulty for months and the supplier says they will replace it when they have stock! It was never good, but as I know how much I am paying until April it is really of little use. The fact they have no spares probably indicates that they are hopelessly unreliable, not a good sign that the smart meter is any good either! Occasionally I actually measure my usage with proper meters, interestingly I think the smart meter over-reads low consumption a bit and under-reads high, but it is not of much actual consequence to me. Interestily too I had to have one to get a fixed price deal tariff, I bet they wish they had never offered me that!

  • My IHD has been faulty for months and the supplier says they will replace it when they have stock! It was never good, but as I know how much I am paying until April it is really of little use. The fact they have no spares probably indicates that they are hopelessly unreliable, not a good sign that the smart meter is any good either! Occasionally I actually measure my usage with proper meters, interestingly I think the smart meter over-reads low consumption a bit and under-reads high, but it is not of much actual consequence to me. Interestily too I had to have one to get a fixed price deal tariff, I bet they wish they had never offered me that!

  • Lack of spares is more likely to be down to not being able to get the silicon to make new units. I've was trying to install a "smart heating" system for my parents - ordered parts in April 2022, told delivery would not be before April 2023!