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18th edition niceic-elearn question

Looking for help on this question as I am completely stumped, every what seems to be feasible answer is apparently wrong.


Can anybody please advise? 

  • Can we all agree it is a dreadful question, and in another country the folk who set it would probably be shot.;-)


  • To put it succinctly, the question simply asks how many devices are switched off and nothing more, no why, no if, nothing. The correct answer to the question they have actualy asked is 11. If they have misworded the question that's their problem. They simply don't understand what they are asking.

  • To put it succinctly, the question simply asks how many devices are switched off and nothing more, no why, no if, nothing. The correct answer to the question they have actualy asked is 11. If they have misworded the question that's their problem. They simply don't understand what they are asking.

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