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Selectivity/ Discrimination Comercial site

I'm wondering if could get a clear explanation or guidance on selectivity on an commercial/ industrial installation.

For example I have drawn out part of an installation below to help illustrate.

Is there a set process for determining if all MCB / RCD protection is adequate when moving from submain to submain?

  • I would not expect that an installation only about ten years old needs re wiring, unless it was either badly defective originally, or if needs have increased SUBSTANTIALY.

    For reasons already given, MCBs in series are poor practice, but if already existing and not in practice giving problems, are arguably acceptable for continued use as distinct from being installed like that on a new job.

    Series RCDs likewise.

  • I would not expect that an installation only about ten years old needs re wiring, unless it was either badly defective originally, or if needs have increased SUBSTANTIALY.

    For reasons already given, MCBs in series are poor practice, but if already existing and not in practice giving problems, are arguably acceptable for continued use as distinct from being installed like that on a new job.

    Series RCDs likewise.

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