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Electrical wiring fires increase across UK

Further comments anyone?

The findings have led to calls for a higher level of…
By in IET EngX > Articles

  • The rather fishy thing about that graph is that it says that there's no data for 2009, and the figure goes up from about 3000 to 5000 each side of that missing data.  It strongly suggests that they have changed the way they calculated it.

    It did: The main article says " the introduction of the national incident recording system (IRS) in April 2009."

    (I did mention that in an earlier reply, but it doesn't seem to show up most of the time)

       - Andy.

  • The rather fishy thing about that graph is that it says that there's no data for 2009, and the figure goes up from about 3000 to 5000 each side of that missing data.  It strongly suggests that they have changed the way they calculated it.

    It did: The main article says " the introduction of the national incident recording system (IRS) in April 2009."

    (I did mention that in an earlier reply, but it doesn't seem to show up most of the time)

       - Andy.

No Data