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Electrical wiring fires increase across UK

Further comments anyone?

The findings have led to calls for a higher level of…
By in IET EngX > Articles

  • Same article AJ. ESF indicated 10% of the 474 incidents resulted in injury. Of course we have to be careful about that also. There were 54 personal injury claims after a bus crash in Belfast. No other vehicles involved and only 12 people on the bus! 
    Also, you get a flavour of the direction of bias in the language used by the author of the article. It was mentioned that tens of thousands of houses could be affected. That figure is based on 474 incidents with up to 50 houses being affected, so 23700 at the maximum end of the scale and probably a lot less.

  • Same article AJ. ESF indicated 10% of the 474 incidents resulted in injury. Of course we have to be careful about that also. There were 54 personal injury claims after a bus crash in Belfast. No other vehicles involved and only 12 people on the bus! 
    Also, you get a flavour of the direction of bias in the language used by the author of the article. It was mentioned that tens of thousands of houses could be affected. That figure is based on 474 incidents with up to 50 houses being affected, so 23700 at the maximum end of the scale and probably a lot less.

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