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EICR for court

One aspect of our business is the pursuit of intoxicating liquor licences for clients. We provide a comprehensive service which also involves the collation of safety reports. Often the client will provide these documents as they are normally required for other reasons, fire safety, insurance etc. The documents are then presented as a bundle in the magistrates court. Scrutiny in court  is minimal but we are careful that they are from competent enterprises and properly reviewed. Like this one for a small restaurant in a large shopping centre. By the way, there is no alternative supply and no access to the main intake in the centre where the intake position is located.

  • Years ago I drew plans and did a planning application for a new restaurant we built on the back of our local pub along with preparing paperwork for the licence application. I asked the Fire Officer at the nearest fire station for a report, as you did back in those days, then got a letter from the Fire Officer at another station asking why I had put in a planning and licence application without asking for a report.

    The application went to the magistrates with two Fire Officers reports, which obviously they questioned the solicitor about, to be told both Fire Officers said it was on their patch and their crews would respond to a call out.

    One Fire Officer stated an additional fire extinguisher was required than the other one, so the magistrates just went with that one, the solicitor said it all raised a smile on the faces of those in court.

    Thinking about it, we had a debate at the time that there was actually a third fire station which was closer than the two that supplied the reports, the pub is literally on the county boundary and the closest fire station is actually in the next county which would only have confused things more.

  • Years ago I drew plans and did a planning application for a new restaurant we built on the back of our local pub along with preparing paperwork for the licence application. I asked the Fire Officer at the nearest fire station for a report, as you did back in those days, then got a letter from the Fire Officer at another station asking why I had put in a planning and licence application without asking for a report.

    The application went to the magistrates with two Fire Officers reports, which obviously they questioned the solicitor about, to be told both Fire Officers said it was on their patch and their crews would respond to a call out.

    One Fire Officer stated an additional fire extinguisher was required than the other one, so the magistrates just went with that one, the solicitor said it all raised a smile on the faces of those in court.

    Thinking about it, we had a debate at the time that there was actually a third fire station which was closer than the two that supplied the reports, the pub is literally on the county boundary and the closest fire station is actually in the next county which would only have confused things more.

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