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IEE REGS monty python


Insurance documents for my property give IEE as the standard of compliance.

I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

Is this correct? Should someone divulge this to my insurance company?

As I am a MIET and have all the old G&G -- A -B C electrical qualifications. Electricians certificate and the Licentiate from them. Then my HND on top of those. 

Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

What is the MIET accreditation worth in that scenario.? The insurers also ask for an ISO number.?

I know I can do the PAT testing- just reading the PAT regs clarify that. Especially when one PAT comedian claimed my walk in cold room is a Portable Appliance. (Coz it got a plug on it.)

Regards  Tony

  • I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

    A good lawyer might say that the IEE isn't dead, it merely changed its name - more like a wedding than a funeral. In any event the phase "IEE Wiring Regulations" persisted in official use long after the renaming of the IEE to the IET - just look at the spine of BS 7671 up to about 2011. Even if the term is now a little outdated, I suspect the "reasonable man in the street" would be happy that the original meaning was still clear enough.

    Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

    Depends on the requirement of whoever's requiring the report (a periodic is a report, not a certificate) - but I'd expect they usually want a independent 3rd party - just so that there's no obvious conflict of interest.

       - Andy.

  • "Hi what does the P in PAT indicate." What is the proper name of this test regime? It is not PA testing or PAT. I`s just an informal name like saying "Ring Mains" when it is not actually a Ring Main but a Ring Final Circuit.- A ring Main might be out on the street or even at a mains distribution system (say a few generators linked in parallel via a ring linked system of radial sized conductors that can be de-linked to take one or more generators out of service to be safely worked upon)

  • Note - the IET did continue to publish the regs as IEE regs for a while after the actual change of name

  • Tony

    Being an engineer and a Member of the IET does not necessarily make you qualified and competent to inspect and test LV electrical installations.

    Have a look at my thread on the Standard Specification for domestic inspection and testing. If you contact me using the information on my post I will send you the document. It contains the essentials of what you need to know.


    PS I am an FIET which does not indicate my competency to carry out inspection and testing of LV installations.  

  • MIET does mean you are a professional engineer and not a hobbyist, but under MIEE you might be an electronics engineer (as I was) who is not competent to do the the type of installation being discussed here. and under MIET you could be a software engineer, mechanical engineer, or any other type of engineer.

    As John Peckham's put it very well lower down!



    But what the letter stands for doesn't really matter when the entire phrase went out of official use about two decades ago. Things have moved on (or if you prefer, yes the goal-posts have indeed moved).

        - Andy.

  • The disconnect with it all- is that the regs are basically  for DOMESTIC DWELLINGS.  Once a substantial factory has a     COMPETENT PERSON IE ----  IEE  Engineer on site. No contractors are allowed through the door. So  the comments that competent engineers cannot sign off on testing, within the factory, are all barking up  the wrong tree. It is all covered in the competent person clause.

    Who then WRITES THE REGS------ IS IT SOME HAIRY BACKED CONTRACTOR WITH  A   C&G  A  - OR COULD THE GUY WRITING THE REGS BE MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE THAN THE guy trying to decipher them, even though he is not a contractor.

    When I was roaming the world. A guy showed up with an IEE---- He was a qualified Engineer and that was that.--- The IEE had VETTED HIM.  Knowing what end of a soldering iron is hot-- would not get the accreditation, back in the day.

  • An interesting set of comments  here then Tony! I have an original certificate from the IEE, which states that I am a member and a Chartered Electrical Engineer. When I joined I was expected to have a suitable degree, and experience of the kind of work I carried out available for the interview.

    Some number of years later the IEE joined up with the IERE, and later still started to take money for membership without electrical qualifications, from software persons and all manner of others. At this time the whole organisation was taken over by academics, (Note the Presidents over the years) and the only Electrical thing they did was publish the Wiring Regulations, and have a few staff to overlook this operation. You will see from the E&T publication that electrical matters take very little of the space, and technology press releases, glossy photos of "products" and Greenism have taken over. For some reason we do not have articles on the problems that the Country now has on energy (Gas and Electricity) or the foolish and uninformed Green rules from politicians, which are endless and are going to take this Country into a very dark place very soon (Pun intended!). It does have very poor articles on "Climate Change" as this appears to be part of the IET agenda, despite needing a good airing of the Science, or lack of it, behind the whole propaganda, curiously just like the Covid scare.

    Engineering of all kinds is based on hard science, yet our magazine contains very little or none. They still want our money, but it is difficult to see what the IET provide in return. I do EICRs and have all the qualifications to back them up, including 2391 when it was a hurdle that very few could pass. It required a solid basis of knowledge, unlike the current version, because someone said that it was too difficult. This was for many good reasons, and the results show from reading the many efforts that I have collected from others!