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Temporary Connection of Generator to Domestic Distribution System

Hi All,

I recently came across a very interesting article - link below:

Where I find this article very interesting, is in relation to the requirement / or potentially non-requirement  of an Earth Spike, for the Temporary connection of a Generator to a building (in the article a Site Office is mentioned).

Please refer to the attached rough sketch / scheme for the Temporary Connection of Generator to Domestic Distribution System, which was originally based upon Figure 4 from the linked article - I wonder whether this could be considered, at least in principle, to be an appropriate proposal for the temporary connection of a generator to a domestic premises? In the attached scheme, there is no Earth Spike, and a 30mA RCD is included at the output of the generator, which would be connected to the generator via an appropriately sized SWA Cable. I would consider the potential for some nuisance tripping of the upstream 30mA RCD (in reality, this would be a rare occurrence) to be an acceptable price to pay, for the added protection that it would provide.

I would very much appreciate, if any of you could possibly find a moment or two, in order to share your thoughts in relation to the above / attached.


Harry G.

  • I would very much appreciate, if any of you could possibly find a moment or two, in order to share your thoughts in relation to the above / attached.

    Regulation 551. would require an additional earth electrode  for TN supplies (unless the installation is supplied from a private HV-LV transformer). This Earth electrode could be connected at the MET, or at the generator.. For TN systems, an additional earth electrode at the MET is recommended now anyway (and notes to this effect have been in BS 7671 for many a long year) - so perhaps best at the MET.

  • Hi Graham,

    Thanks for your informative reply.

    In light of your comments, I have revised my proposal - I am thinking that the attached updated proposal sketch / scheme should now
    be in keeping with accepted practices / compliant with the regulations, for a domestic premises, with TN Supply?

    Best Regards,

    Mark G.

  • Hi Graham,

    Thanks for your informative reply.

    In light of your comments, I have revised my proposal - I am thinking that the attached updated proposal sketch / scheme should now
    be in keeping with accepted practices / compliant with the regulations, for a domestic premises, with TN Supply?

    Best Regards,

    Mark G.

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