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Disabled access

Neat job. New Domestic installation single-phase so really should be 4pole isolator. Any way, the BC officer has e pressed concerns about the mounting height. The board is tucked up close to the ceiling in a small plant room to allow room for a host of other bits and bobs including PV, battery, TV, intruder, IT equipment. 
Now the BC officer hasn’t turned it down outright but you can imagine that it would be a pain to move. Even if it was dropped, the height of the RCBOs would still sit slightly outside the 1350 to 1450mm recommendation due to the height of the pan assembly.

Quite apart from a BC issue, since this is a new build, would it be reasonable to contend that it didn’t meet 7671 in that surely one must consider BA3?

  • Nice and neat, but with the lines bundled together and the neutrals bundled together, not 10/10.

    There might be something to be said for keeping a DB out of the reach of people who are not in command of all their intellectual abilities.

    As far as physical is concerned, it really depends upon whether the dwelling is visitable, accessible or for a wheelchair user.

    I have to say that I can see no reason why the DB was not placed lower down in a new build, but I think that it would be unreasonable to fail it as non-compliant as it stands.

  • Why shouldn't it be failed as non-compliant?   Somebody didn't do it right according to building regulations.

  • Because it probably complies with Part P, but not Part M.

    I have to stand on tip-toe to reset the breakers in my DB which is above a doorway at home; my wife cannot reach them at all. They virtually never trip, but when I want to isolate a circuit, I have to use a pair of steps in order to read the labels.

    I have had a butcher's under the floorboards and I am hoping that when the DB is replaced, careful re-routing of the cables will allow me to put it beside the doorway. Which is better folks, a slightly high DB, or extending all the circuits?

  • Because it probably complies with Part P, but not Part M.

    I have to stand on tip-toe to reset the breakers in my DB which is above a doorway at home; my wife cannot reach them at all. They virtually never trip, but when I want to isolate a circuit, I have to use a pair of steps in order to read the labels.

    I have had a butcher's under the floorboards and I am hoping that when the DB is replaced, careful re-routing of the cables will allow me to put it beside the doorway. Which is better folks, a slightly high DB, or extending all the circuits?

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