Electrical installation design guide - Table F5

I can't find where they got the infomation in this table from. 

I have checked ENA engineering recommendation P29 but there does not seem to be any tables. 

I would like to find out the resistance and reactance of a 2500kva transformer.

  • If you have a specific transformer in mind, then by far the most accurate method is to contact the owners (usually the DNO) or the maker if that can be determined - there should be a rating plate somewhere. However, in recent decades such things have been standardized by EU  regulations on efficiency, and that in turn means that the data for any transformer of the same wattage and construction will be similar. Is the transformer oil filled or solid resin ?

    FWIW, I have a 2013 copy of the guide and that refers to a table D6 of  an ENA guide P 28 - it may be that the original reference material has been superseded and later versions have not caught up ?.


  • There is something that may be useful in annex D of the 1989 version of P28 which would have been current when the IET guide was first compiled.

    Now, the latest (2017) version has lost that annex in favour of a more generic approach to voltage drop estimation, but has rather more information on modern types of load.

    I suggest perusing both if you have the time:-)


    Also, as I found it in passing, there is a very similarly titled "Electrical Installation Guide" by Schneider that can be downloaded from here


    That has among other things has some very good general EMC advice but nothing special about transformer impedances

  • I can't find where they got the infomation in this table from.

    Thank you for highlighting this  .

    The reference in the Note is specifically to Table D6 of ENA Engineering Recommendation P29 Issue 1 is clearly not correct, probably a typo at some stage in development of the 4th Edition. (P29 Issue 1 is still available on-line here: https://www.nienetworks.co.uk/documents/d-code/distribution-system-security-and-planning-standard/ena_er_p29.aspx. Definitely no Table D6!)

    The correct reference is Table D6 of ENA ER P28 Issue 1 (1989) - but that has been superseded now and updated distribution transformer data is not provided in the latest version.

    For a new design, it would be more correct, I guess, to use manufacturer data for the new energy-efficient transformers, to meet current legislation, in any case. (The data in this particular case is used in EIDG for example calculations only, to illustrate principles, and perhaps both of these should also be highlighted in the Note to Table F.5.)

    I will flag this to the IET for correction at the next opportunity.