Sigma MCCB curve

The manufacturers declared Im is 8xIn which is not adjustable. If I need 5s disconnection time for ADS reasons, do I use the "ust" curve which looks to be around 12xIn?

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  • Cheers Mike!

    Not sure which model is in place. Was not on this particular install which is supplying a cubicle for several EV charge points. The 200A MCCB provides an underground supply to the cubicle via a swa which is earthed at the supply end only. TNCS earthing arrangement..  From the cubicle out to the EVSEs all is TT. 

    Apparently the Zs at the disconnected swa and inner earth core sum to a measured Zs of 0.22ohms. I think we did have a discussion about the do's and dont's of not earthing the swa and it was thought imprudent to rely on it for mechanical protection only???