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      Does anybody have access to the IET Regs App? Also do you have to pay for it?



  • Hi Tony

    The IET doesn't have an app for the Wiring Regs so any app you may come across for it will not be endorsed or supported by the IET. 

    Therefore I'd be very wary of anything you may find and download! 


  • The IET doesn't have an app for the Wiring Regs

    But there is a subscription-based Digital Wiring Regulations product, where the IET Wiring Regulations (and other publications) are available on computers/mobile devices, details here:

    It's hosted via VitalSource Bookshelf App, and looks something like this on PC, with similar interface on mobile phone:

    You can download books to your device, so no internet access is needed to use the App on-site.

    Page at link above has further links that tell you what publications come with each subscription.